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The Best Hookah Charcoal: Natural Coconut Coals

The Best Hookah Charcoal: Natural Coconut Coals

By danny / June 8, 2022

Hookah coals are an often overlooked aspect of hookah smoking. All they do is heat up the shisha, right? What difference could your choice of coals possibly make? The truth of the matter is, aside from the type/flavor of shisha you are smoking and ensuring that your hookah is properly sealed and set up, the hookah coals you choose to use are the most important aspect of your hookah set up.

Two bricks of flat style hookah charcoal

Most novice users start out using quicklight charcoal because of it's ease of use. While it is true that quick lighting coals light faster than natural coals, in all other areas natural charcoals are superior. In this guide we are going to focus on the best brands of natural hookah charcoal which we carry.

The Best Natural Hookah Charcoal

Boxes of CocoUrth, Titanium and CocoBrico hookah charcoal

Currently, the king of natural coals is CocoBrico charcoals. Their hookah charcoal is made from 100% recycled coconut husks and burn clean with little to no smell while lighting. The birth of this hookah accessory spawned a plethora of new brands, and now we see our customers broadening their horizon by trying out new coal options like CocoUrth and Titanium. Once on top of your bowl, these coals deliver consistent and even heat and do not add any flavor to your shisha. This allows for the purest taste, and the finest smoke. They will require a coal burner for proper use and take roughly 7-10 minutes to become fully lit depending on your burner.

Boxes of CocoBuzz, Fumari and Nu hookah charcoal

Instead relying on coal manufacturers to create heat for their tobacco, many shisha brands decided to craft their own hookah charcoal. Currently you can find hookah charcoal created by some of your favorite shisha companies like Fumari Fuoco Coals, and Starbuzz CocoBuzz coals. These coals are perceived to be the recommended charcoal for that particular shisha brand, but they can be enjoyed with almost every cut of tobacco available.

Our Top Hookah Charcoal Pick

Al Fakher charcoal in various sized boxes

Al Fakher released their highly anticipated charcoal, and ever since they came through our doors we have been smoking bowls using these on the daily. The Al Fakher Natural Charcoals come in a 25 x 25 x 25mm cube shape and are available in 36, 72, 144 and 10kg boxes. Like other natural hookah charcoals, these give off no odor and have no effect on taste. They light up fairly quick for natural coals, and they burn hotter and longer on any type of hookah bowl or in a heat management device. These are definitely a must-try charcoal...and you may not switch back to your usual afterward!

Other Excellent Natural Hookah Coal Brands

The above mention coals have great visibility and usage in the hookah market, but there is always more to try in the world of charcoal. Most brands have a devoted fan base who swear by their coals because your journey in hookah is all about tailoring your session to your taste. The hookah community is packed full of people with desires for certain heat levels and shapes, which leads to a variety of options.

Boxes of CocoUrth, TomCoco and Charco Flare hookah charcoal

Brands like TomCoco have three different sizes including an XL which are useful for bigger bowls. Shape are extremely important as well like when you're using a heat management device like the Kaloud Lotus. You'll always be able to flats or cubes inside these devices but what if we told you there were coals designed specifically for heat management units. CocoUrth follows the wave from Charco Flare with quarter circle pieces. Many brands are now following the trend of uniquely shaped hookah charcoal. The best part...they're still all natural coconut charcoal! 

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