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Coco Urth Hookah Charcoal

CocoUrth Charcoal FAQ

CocoUrth offers a line of odor-free and taste-free hookah coals made from coconut shell husk. Their hookah coals use the most organic materials, and the brand has gained a following thanks to a clean-burning formula that produces low ash content. CocoUrth has a variety of coconut charcoal shapes available, ranging from charcoal flats to hexagon finger coals, cube-shaped coconut charcoal for heat management devices, and more. Every premium product provides consistent heat and is free from chemical additives and accelerants. So, you can guarantee clean, bold flavor and a high-quality hookah experience for every single smoke session.

How do I light CocoUrth coals?

CocoUrth prides itself on purely organic hookah charcoal. You will need to use an electric coil stove or charcoal burner to properly light them; a standard flame lighter won't do it. Place your CocoUrth charcoal directly on the electric coil or burner and turn it up high. Once the bottoms of the coals are lit, give them a flip with your tongs. Depending on the size of the coal you're using and the power of the burner, these coals will be fully lit when all sides are entirely red-orange.

What are the differences between CocoUrth's various coconut coal shapes?

CocoUrth hookah coals offer the most variety of any charcoal brand when it comes to shapes and styles. Some styles like the CocoUrth flats and mini cube coals offer medium-range heat alongside the versatility to be used with both foil and heat management devices (HMDs). Other styles like the big cubes and hex coals offer slightly increased heat and longer burn times. However, the CocoUrth hex coals and big cubes may be too large or oddly shaped for use in HMDs and are best for foil. Read more about the different shapes by viewing the CocoUrth charcoal page, or check out our blog on hookah charcoal.

How long do CocoUrth coals last when smoking?

CocoUrth coals are made of natural ingredients and can last an average of 45 to 60 minutes. However, this can depend on several factors including coal shape (e.g., charcoal flats, cubes, or hex coals), frequency of inhales, and the overall airflow around your hookah devices. Using a wind cover or heat management device can help increase the overall burn time of your natural coconut coals.

How many pieces of hookah coal should I use on my bowl?

Depending on the size of your hookah bowl, choice of shisha tobacco, and coal shape (CocoUrth flats, hex, quarter circle, cube coals, etc.), we recommend using approximately two to three pieces of CocoUrth hookah charcoal on your bowl at one time. Need help managing your coals? Check out our blog on heat management.

What is the benefit of using organic CocoUrth hookah charcoal over traditional charcoal?

There are many benefits of using organic CocoUrth hookah charcoal over traditional charcoal. Purely organic hookah charcoal is healthier than traditional coals. Without harmful chemicals, these can burn longer than the average charcoal product for a longer hookah session. They produce less ash, so you don't have to worry about cleaning up your hookah as often. CocoUrth charcoal is also odor-free and taste-free.

What are the different types of CocoUrth charcoal?

CocoUrth Box Cube Hookah Charcoal

These coconut coals are still in high demand after years of being on the market. These premium charcoal pieces are crafted with the use of the purest coconut trees on the planet.

CocoUrth Quarter Circle Hookah Charcoal

If you use a heat management device like the Kaloud Lotus, you'll love the quarter circle CocoUrth hookah charcoal. You'll get a four-piece set of coconut coals that will fit snug inside your favorite heat management devices.

CocoUrth Flat Hookah Charcoal

Are you looking for the perfect charcoal? These flat coals produce less ash and are some of the highest-quality products from the brand. And you can find it at the best online hookah store—Hookah-Shisha!

CocoUrth Hex Hookah Charcoal

CocoUrth hexagonal charcoal only uses the finest ingredients so you can have a great hookah session every time.

CocoUrth Cube Triple X Hookah Charcoal

These larger-than-life Triple X CocoUrth cubes are perfect for shisha smokers looking for additional heat and increased coal longevity from their coconut coals. You can shop for CocoUrth charcoal at the best available prices on our site.

CocoUrth Mini Cube Hookah Charcoal

If you're having trouble getting the heat right and full-size cubes are too hot, check out these mini cubes. These CocoUrth cubes produce more heat than a flat shape charcoal and work well with your HMD.

CocoUrth Big Cube Hookah Charcoal

We prefer cubes over flats for most of our smoke sessions because of their size and overall heat output. CocoUrth's BIG cube size is designed for those top-notch cloudy sessions.

Coco Urth




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